Tech issues

date: 03/16/2024
mood: killmekillmekillmekillme
Hi!! As usual it’s been a bit since I wrote… nothing seems to be going right for me tech wise right now.
My laptop battery has been bad for a while now but in the last couple months it has not been able to be taken off the charger for even a second without dying. I opened up my laptop to find the part number for my battery so I could hopefully find something similar why did this have to happen when we’re boycotting hp and found the battery was SUPER inflated. So I am currently writing this diary entry on a bomb I guess.
Next thing to happen was my phone, I’ve had my iphone 11 for a couple years now and although I don’t really like it, it works good and the battery still lasts me through the day so that’s all that matters. Despite my hatred of certain features of iphones I was hoping to keep using mine for at least another 2-3 years.
Well unfortunately for me I had a bad meltdown a couple days later (mostly over things I’m not comfortable talking about here) and during it I had become distressed over the way my headphones felt on my head and threw them off, not caring where they landed just wanting them off of me. Well I believe they landed on my phone as I have no other explanation for the shatter that had formed on my screen when I picked my phone up after I had started to calm down. Of course this only made me get upset again -_-". I would have no issue using the cracked screen no matter how bad it looked except parts of the screen no longer work or only work occasionally.
After talking about options with my dad, we decided it might be best to upgrade as I was due for one and we would work on possibly fixing my screen later in the year. Not wanting another iphone, I started looking at other phones and decided I wanted to get a Motorola razr+ (always a sucker for nostalgia I guess :P).
After loads of roadblocks trying to get this phone it is finally either arriving tomorrow (today I guess actually, it is 4 am) or Monday. My next entry might be about setting it up since it’s been 10 years since I’ve had a phone that runs on android and I’m excited to use it again.
Oh how I miss my old Samsung galaxy s3… I wish it wasn’t completely broken, I know there’s some crazy stuff locked away on it.
My other tech issues are way simpler, the batteries on my switch and 3ds have gone bad and started to inflate a little and it's a little upsetting when I'm a bit scared to use my laptop for gaming and unable to use my phone for most things and all I want to do was play some style savvy trendsetters or splatoon 3. I could have played on my actual consoles but most of them aren’t set up currently and I don’t really want to play anything on them at the moment.
Oh and my ipod touch battery started inflating and popped the screen off. It's not something I use super often but it's just another battery I need to replace to avoid the fire risk.
Hopfully after I get the phone and have it all set up I can actually focus on getting my room in order because my friend is gonna be here in less than a month now!!
I also wanna do a what’s in my bag soon because I got a little obsessed with looking at flickr posts.
Oh yea speaking of obsessed, I got obsessed with a song that I found from an itsukyon amv and I think I’ve listened to it close to 200 times over the last few days!! It’s Misty by KinKi Kids amv link
oooo and I bought a cute soul eater strap from an artist I really like! I'm gonna attach to my phone once I get the case!!
ok that's all I think
Yaoi Paddle

date: 02/14/2024
mood: fujo -3-
I wrote a blog post today go read it!!
Yaoi Paddle blog post
it arrived

date: 02/13/2024
mood: O_o
it begins...
about to sleep

date: 02/07/2024
mood: tired
It's currently 4 am and I'm very tired but I was thinking of an encounter I had at Half Price that made me happy. There were two girls that I kept seeing around the store, I couldn't tell if they were just wandering around or what but it seemed like they were wanting to talk to me. Eventually they came up to me and asked where I had found the copy of Demon Slayer I was holding. I told them unfortunately that was the only copy they had but they could have it if they wanted it! They were really excited about it. It made me happier to see that than it would have made me to have it in my own collection. I thought about how I wished adults in the community were like that to me when I was their age. I don't mean to be sappy I'm just tired.
cake pan

date: 02/02/2024
mood: insane
Again I forgot to write here for a bit. Went through a bad depressive slump in December and am just getting out of it. doing better now so that's something. I didn't get any thing for Christmas so I was only just able to start getting myself stuff with birthday money. I had a small manga haul so far. Good luck at finding stuff at Half Price, bad luck at finding stuff at Barnes and Noble. Hoping to get myself some more on Thrift books or in April when my friend comes to visit. We're planning on going on a used bookstore tour of my city!
Speaking of April...
On April 17th 2014 Aoba cake was unleashed upon this world and of course the 10th anniversary is coming up. At some point the idea entered my head to make an Aoba cake for myself in celebration and it just so happens the week my friend is staying with me coincides with this anniversary! After a small amount of research I was able to find the exact pan used for Aoba cake! And you can guess what the second thing I got with my birthday money was..
tumblr post I found this out from
Also why is it so hard for me to figure out what I wanna buy for myself..
oh yea and as a little self reminder I need to make my blog page so I can write about my birthday collection haul and April.