100x100 icons

date: 12/20/2023
mood: hyperfixating I guess
Oh it's been a bit since I wrote on this page. I've been working so hard on my other pages I completely forgot about this one! Well I've mostly been adding my graphics pages but I got sucked into finding old internet icons yet again. My archive hit 1,000 last night and I didn't even notice because I was so focused on finding more. I thiink I was at it for about 6-7 hours. I want to add them to my page when I get the chance but for now I just want to keep looking for them! I rewatched Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya on the 18th and god I love that movie so so much. My friend got me a dvd of it the other day as my christmas gift and I'm so happy! It won't be in my hands until he visits around March but that's ok I'm just excited it will be in my collection.
Speaking of collection it's almost the time of year that I get money so I can get more manga and dvds! I won't get much money because of everything that's happened over the past couple of months but it's better than what i usually have (which is none). I have to buy the ib nendoroid and the Hinata pop up parade but other than that most of it is probably gonna be spent at half price and thriftbooks. The chiaki pop up parade finally got released so i could pay for her after months of stressing about it. Could only get the cheapest shipping though so she'll be here in about 4 months... There are two mini figures I'm thinking of getting from Japan but that depends on how much I get. I'll also have birthday money in about a month too. My dad just gave me dinner so i should wrap this up (it's dumplings and some sausage) bye!
AUGH my cat is eating the sausage!!
yaoi xmas cd

date: 12/05/2023
mood: busy
i am currently hard at work to make the yaoi christmas cd a reality. i have been meaning to do this for several years now but am finally able to 1.) burn cds again and 2.) have the motivation to make this project as insane as i would like it to be! my end goal with this project is to have all mp3 files with as much metadata as i can add, make a graphic for the cd itself, make a front and back cover for the jewel case, and possibly make a lyric book for the front cover. but i may only get through part of all of this before the season is over and i lose motivation >~<
other than that i am currently working on my actual about page for this blog but i'm having trouble figuring out how i want it to look. i will figure everything out eventually -_-"
oh yes also happy birthday to the actual lelouch vi britannia ^^
want to write?

date: 11/29/2023
mood: hungry
augh i would like to write things on here perhaps