
x About
x Blog
x Graphics
x Fun Stuff
x Shrines


x Site Profile
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x MyAnimeList
x Contact


Welcome to my site!! ^^ It's pretty bare bones at the moment, but I do plan on doing more! I'm mostly just here to have a fun time. I don't know much html so I'm using lots of templates at least for now! My about and graphics pages are up as well as my blog page but it's going through a revovation already -,-
i have part of my 4,000 + icon collection on my graphics page and I plan on updating it with way more soon!
Quick intro: Hi I'm Cel, I love 2000's anime and 2000's anime culture! I also love collecting! I love talking to people so so much but I can be quite shy at first! Please feel free to email me or contact me on other sites I'm on!
This site is heavily a work in progress but it's functional!



02/17/24 Small icon collection update: 77 added (ace attorney, angel beats, black butler)
02/14/24 First proper blog update: Yaoi Paddle and homepage update ^^
02/13/24 Actually started using this update section
11/29/23 Site started!
peachgummy 2024
Layout by Neskaya.Net Designs: Your Cute Design Resource!
♚ Welcome to Peachgummy! ♚ About


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My Button!

all i got is the keiji button i'll make another one at some point...

Favorite Sites!
